The most visible signs of aging and weight gain appear in the jawline or neck. Are you wondering, how does a neck lift work to provide a smoother, slimmer profile? This cosmetic procedure addresses age-related wrinkling, removes excess fat and skin, and tightens underlying tissues and muscles. It is one of the services that Dr. Gutowski in Glenview, IL has performed for many patients.
We will walk you through on how the procedure works so you can decide if this cosmetic surgery is right for you.
What Cosmetic Problems Does a Neck Lift Solve?
A neck lift works to improve your physical appearance and give you a better facial and neck contour. It also solves many aesthetic problems related to aging, weight gain, and sun exposure.
Lack of a Youthful Appearance
A wrinkled, saggy neck can give away your age, even if you have a generally youthful-looking appearance. Do you focus on skin rejuvenation treatments for your face, but still have a hard time concealing the signs of aging in your neck? Compared to other parts of the face and body, the neck often shows the early signs of aging. What works for the other parts of your body will not necessarily work for your neck.
A neck lift will tighten your loose muscles while removing excess skin and tissue in the neck. You will enjoy the final results, which include a smoother, younger-looking neck. Weeks after the procedure, you will notice that your appearance will look more rested and you will feel more confident.
Loose and Saggy Skin
If you have tried home treatments for loose and saggy skin, then you have probably realized how hard it is to treat this common issue. Due to aging, we lose natural elasticity and collagen on the skin, causing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. In the neck, we develop a so-called “turkey neck” that gives away our age and takes away our youthful appearance.
One way to get rid of neck fat is to drop excess weight or reach a healthy BMI. However, this alone cannot eliminate the problem of loose and saggy skin. By undergoing a cosmetic procedure that removes the loose skin, you can tighten your neck area and improve its appearance. It is the most direct means of helping you achieve smooth, clean neck contours and a better profile.
Necklines and Wrinkles
Regardless of age, people can experience necklines or unwanted creases in the neck. Some of the factors that cause this aesthetic problem may include excess weight, sun exposure, or even genetics. These common problems are also a normal part of aging, which causes your skin to lose elasticity.
One of the benefits of a neck lift is the reduction of necklines and wrinkles. By tightening loose skin, you can minimize the appearance of these unwanted signs of aging. It will also contribute to better self-confidence and self-esteem.
Excess Skin in the Neck
The term “turkey neck” refers to sagging, wrinkled skin on the neck. It’s an unglamorous term that can make anyone feel conscious about their age or lack of a youthful appearance. When your neck muscles have weakened due to aging, your skin also loses elasticity. Eventually, the skin on your neck can no longer stay tight and remain firm. The result is the appearance of excess, wrinkled skin.
Some people engage in facial and neck exercises that promise to eliminate or reduce the appearance of a turkey neck. However, these solutions do not always work and can’t guarantee positive results. Only a neck lift or cosmetic procedure can solve the problem and significantly tighten neck muscles while removing excess skin.
What Steps Are Involved in the Procedure?
As trusted surgeons, we ensure that you only get the best care, treatment, and medical support. The procedure itself takes several hours, but the results and physical improvements can last for over ten years. We do our very best to set your proper expectations and fully understand what your aesthetic goals are, so you can be confident about what happens during the surgery.
Consultation and Overview
Are you convinced that a neck lift can give you the youthful appearance you’ve always wanted? If you have tried various treatments, exercises, or home remedies without desirable results, you can take one step further and finally consider surgery. It all starts by scheduling your initial consultation and finding a talented surgeon who understands exactly what you need. This is the key to ensuring your satisfaction with the final results of the procedure.
Ideal candidates for the procedure must meet the following criteria:
- In good physical health
- Do not have medical conditions that affect healing
- Non-smokers
- Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations
In one procedure, we can address multiple concerns such as neck fat, loose muscles, and excess skin. We’ve had many clients happy about their results, and enjoying the effects of the surgery every day.
Administration of Anesthesia
During your initial consultation, we will discuss whether you’ll need sedation and local anesthesia, or general anesthesia. It is possible to numb only a part of your body or keep you asleep during the procedure. You can rest assured that whichever decision we make, you’ll not feel any discomfort or pain during the surgery. Our main goal is to make every step of the procedure a positive, empowering experience.
To ensure that the anesthesia works properly, we highly recommend that you refrain from smoking and engaging in other restrictions before the procedure. We would like to ensure that you are fully prepared, confident, and have a positive mindset before anything else.
Marking and Creating Incisions
During the initial consultation, we will discuss with you the changes you’d like to see in your appearance. Your goals and desires will affect what type of incision will be used during the procedure. We can go for a traditional incision, or we can do a limited incision.
In the traditional type, we create an incision beginning in the hairline, which is right at the level of the sideburn. This continues down and around the ear. On the other hand, a limited incision is only done around the ear.
Trimming Excess Skin, Fat Removal, and Muscle Repair
Before closing the incisions, we reposition the underlying neck skin and tighten your muscles. Any excess skin is trimmed away while the remainder is draped over the new muscle contour. We will also remove excess fat through liposuction and repair muscle tissues. Once we have accomplished all of these, we use sutures or adhesives to seal the incisions shut.
Recovery and Healing
After the surgery, we will place a bandage around your face and neck. The compression will help you feel more comfortable and promote faster healing. In some cases, there will also be a thin tube placed to drain excess blood or fluid which may collect under the skin. Within the next week or two, your sutures or stitches will be ready to come out.
We strongly recommend that you focus on healing and recovery for several weeks. We will provide you with post-surgery instructions to make sure that you are safe. It’s also a great idea to arrange for any personal help or assistance while you are recovering. In no time, you will see the visible results of the procedure and feel much more confident and happy about your new appearance.
What Results Can You Expect After the Surgery?
Within several months or less than a year, you will see the final results of the procedure. By this time, you should be able to accurately evaluate the results of your surgery and notice all the visible improvements in your appearance. The following changes are what you should expect to enjoy once you have fully recovered.
Improved Profile and Contour
The most visible result, and the one you will most likely enjoy the most, is the appearance of an improved facial profile and contour. Within two weeks after the surgery, you will start to notice the new contours of your neck, as you look into the mirror from your side. An improvement in your jawline will also be visible, causing you to have a more chiseled and rejuvenated appearance.
This procedure can also eliminate the appearance of a double chin or too much fat around the neck area. Younger patients with no problems with wrinkled skin find this satisfying. This minor change can cause a significant improvement in your profile and contour, creating a more elegant appearance.
An Impression of Weight Loss
When we look at people or talk to them, we notice their facial features first. Too much neck fat with loose skin can create an overweight appearance, even if you have a relatively healthy BMI. After your healing and recovery, you will be surprised that the removal or a small amount of fat on your neck can make it seem like you have lost weight all over your body.
Smoother Skin
After we remove the excess skin on your neck, you will notice a smoother appearance with a reduction in wrinkles. This benefit comes from the procedure of lifting and repositioning your neck skin while tightening the underlying muscles. Before the surgery, wrinkles on your neck might have been caused by loose, saggy skin with extra fat.
Depending on your age and previous skin laxity, you may also enjoy other skin rejuvenating treatments that focus on creating the appearance of a smoother neck skin. After your procedure, you will notice that these treatments will give you improved benefits because most of the sagging, excess skin has already been taken care of.
Youthful Appearance
A slender, well-toned neck is one of the hallmarks of a youthful appearance. It’s no wonder why this cosmetic procedure can take years or decades off your looks. You will enjoy the new contour, profile, and face shape that this procedure can give you. Once you have completely healed and noticed the full, visible results, you will be able to enjoy wearing more types of clothing and accessories.
Better Self-Confidence
A neck lift is not only for reversing the signs of aging. Even younger people can benefit from it when it comes to improving their facial profile and contour. After we trim the excess fat in your neck and chin area, you will feel more confident about your jawline or neckline. Our goal is to help bring you closer to your aesthetic ideals and goals, with your happiness and satisfaction in mind.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
Are you interested in looking younger and reversing the effects of aging? A neck lift is one of the best procedures you can choose for a more youthful and improved profile and contour. Contact Dr. Gutowski in Glenview, IL today and schedule your initial consultation. We can’t wait to provide you the best care, service, and support for your cosmetic needs.