Chemical peels are medical-grade procedures in which a special solution is employed to remove the damaged outer skin layers. We have a variety of peels available at our office in Chicago, IL. Chemical peels are normally administered as a facial peel to smooth and enhance the skin texture. They are safe and effective for the treatment of facial blemishes, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. They gently remove the outer layers of dead skin, which reveals a fresh skin layer displaying an improved tone, color, and texture.
Chemical Peel History
Some people mistakenly believe that chemical peels are a relatively recent dermatological innovation. However, this form of treatment is actually one of the oldest cosmetic procedures in history. Chemical peels were performed in ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece to assist patients in achieving smoother, more radiant skin. Today’s chemical peels are growing in popularity because they provide nearly instant results and may be performed as an outpatient procedure in the comfort of our office in Chicago, IL.
Would I Make a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?
You may make a good candidate for a medical-grade chemical peel if you are in good physical health, or educated about the treatment, and have realistic expectations regarding your outcome. The results of a chemical peel are likely be acceptable to you if your plan is to minimize acne scars, improve skin texture, smooth wrinkles, eliminate age spots, or minimize hyperpigmentation.
Each type of chemical peel is different and comes in varying strengths to treat different types of skin conditions. Consult with our expert to determine which chemical peel is right for your individual skin type and condition.
Types of Chemical Peels
Superficial chemical peels, as the name suggests, treat only the outermost skin layer and minor skin imperfections like light wrinkles, scars, and blemishes. A superficial chemical peel may be right for you if you have minor skin complaints and prefer to have a treatment that has few side effects and requires very little downtime.
If your skin problems are of the more serious variety, a deeper chemical peel may benefit you. These peels penetrate the skin more deeply and may be used to treat more stubborn skin conditions like hyperpigmentation.
Getting Started
When you meet with our expert at aFresh® Med Spa & Plastic Surgery in Chicago, IL, you can learn more information about your treatment options for hyperpigmentation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!