A tummy tuck is an exciting surgical procedure that removes excess skin and some fat from the abdomen, leaving you with a flat, tight torso. The underlying abdominal muscles can also be tightened during this procedure. However, as with many surgical procedures, it is not the right choice for every person. If you have loose, sagging skin on your abdomen from weight loss or pregnancy and are considering a tummy tuck, there are some aspects of your health and habits that help determine whether or not it would be a good fit for you.
Stable Weight
In order to receive and maintain the best results possible from a tummy tuck, you will want your weight to be stable. While a few pounds likely will make no difference, you do not want to lose or gain an appreciable amount of weight after surgery. Gaining weight can stretch the skin back out and cause discomfort, while losing a lot more weight could cause the skin to sag once again.
A Note About Smoking
Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Not only is it a cancer risk and horrible for your lungs, but it also has a deleterious effect on your body’s ability to heal. Whether it’s cigarettes or marijuana, you will need to quit smoking for a set amount of time before your surgery and not smoke for a certain amount of time after your surgery to allow for the very best healing possible.
Good Overall Health
You don’t have to be in perfect health to qualify for a tummy tuck procedure, but you do want to be as healthy as possible. If you have any chronic illnesses, talk to your primary care physician about the safety of surgery and what you can do to mitigate the risks of an adverse outcome. Sometimes, changes to your diet, exercise or medication can be made to allow for a safe, routine surgery and uneventful recovery. You never know until you ask.
Your Expectations
Good candidates for a tummy tuck have realistic expectations regarding the procedure, the recovery and the results. They understand that the procedure will help them to look better, but that they are still going to be the same person. Our team will help you to get realistic expectations during your initial consultation.
Contact Our Office Today
If you are considering a tummy tuck, the best way to see if you are a candidate for the procedure is to come in for a consultation at aFresh® Med Spa in Glenview. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started!