Having a child is often said to be one of the most rewarding and emotionally satisfying experiences of a woman’s life. While motherhood can be a wonderful addition to your life, the physical process of pregnancy and birth can leave behind some changes you may not like. Luckily, a mommy makeover can help you reclaim your pre-baby body.
The Adaptability of the Mommy Makeover
Pregnancy affects each woman differently. While some women will be left with stretch marks and excess belly skin, others are dealing with sagging breasts or saddle bags on their thighs. Some women even notice varicose veins in their legs after pregnancy. Your mommy makeover is specifically tailored to meet your needs. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to this procedure, so you are certain to have your individual concerns addressed.
Deciding If a Mommy Makeover Is Right for You
As with any surgical procedure, deciding once and for all that a mommy makeover is the right choice for you will take a lot of time and careful deliberation. Ideal candidates for this procedure include mothers who are in generally good health and have finished having children and breastfeeding. Candidates should also remain at a healthy, stable weight. Taking these steps will help ensure you receive the results you are looking for and won’t have any more unsettling changes to your body post-surgery.
Considering Your Specific Procedures
Deciding which issues you would like to address with a mommy makeover is largely up to your own impressions and opinions about your body. Breast augmentation, liposuction and tummy tucks are among the most common procedures performed in the mommy makeover. Take your time with deciding what you would like to include in your procedure. Of course, if pregnancy has gifted you with a larger bust or butt and you would like to keep it, there’s no reason to consider addressing it. Your needs and desires are paramount.
Choosing the Right Time for Your Mommy Makeover
Your downtime will depend on which procedures you decide to undergo, which we will discuss with you during your consultation. This initial consultation will also be your first chance to find out exactly what you can expect and which procedures will be right for you. We generally advise waiting until you have the time away from work, education and other pressing commitments before having a mommy makeover.
Pregnancy can leave behind some issues that even the best exercise and diet routine can’t undo. If you are thinking about surgical correction, a mommy makeover may be exactly what you need. Our talented plastic surgeon provides this procedure with care and expertise at aFresh® Med Spa, and we would be happy to help you find out if it is right for you. Contact our office in Glenview today to schedule a no-pressure, informational consultation.