Eyelid Surgery – Blepharoplasty – Chicago, IL
Whether a patient suffers from depleted volume in the lower eyelid or droopiness in the upper eyelid, eyelid surgery Chicago can repair these issues. Extraneous skin, fat and tissue in the eye area are removed and the underlying muscles are tightened to restore and rejuvenate eyes. The aged and perpetual tired look can be caused by the aging process or through heredity but is erased when our surgeons perform eyelid surgery. Patients will notice a refreshed and more alert appearance, along with a softer and smoother look in and around the eye area.
The procedure may either be performed on the upper eyelid only or the lower lid, or both. There will be a difference in approaches when it comes to the upper and lower eyelids but the method is similar; removing any loose skin or tissue, and extracting or repositioning the fat deposit. There will also be separate incisions spots. It is important to understand that this will not help with other cosmetic issues such as crow’s feet, wrinkles or dark circles. The results of an eyelid surgery are fairly isolated within the upper and lower lid section only. There are other procedures that can be combined, for example the use of BOTOX®, to create a maximized outcome.
The most common problem with the upper eyelid is excess skin that droops and hangs over the eyes. Not only does this look unappealing, but it can also obstruct vision for a patient. The doctor will create an incision along the natural fold of the eyelid and remove any excess fat and tissue. This helps minimize any bulges in the eye area. The excess skin will also be trimmed and the incision will be closed with fine sutures. There are cases when fat tissues are only repositioned instead of excised.
There are two options for incisions when it comes to lower eyelid surgery. This treatment will improve any appearance of bulging and sagging below the eye. Incisions may be made just slightly below the lash line and excess fat, tissue or skin will be excised. If the skin has retained good elasticity, a transconjunctival incision may be a better option as the cut is made inside the lower eyelid, which effectively makes any resulting scar concealed. A lower lid lift does not necessarily improve the dark circles that may occur under the eyes. The surgeon may recommend combining a lower blepharoplasty with another procedure such as a chemical peel or an injectable filler.
Eyelid surgery is performed with general anesthesia. If the procedure involves both upper and lower eyelids, the plastic surgeon will typically manage the upper eyelid first. On average, it takes 1-2 hours to complete the operation. The patient will be sent home for recovery. For the first few days, there will be swelling and discoloration around the area. It is advised that the head is elevated for the first few days. Pain medications and antibiotics will be prescribed to manage the initial discomfort. Strenuous activities must also be restricted.
Blepharoplasty not only corrects a cosmetic issue, but a functional one as well as some patients find their vision impacted with excess upper eyelid skin. For others, simply applying makeup without maneuvering around the excess skin is refreshing in and of itself.
Eyelid surgery, whether upper or lower, generally does not cause visible scarring. This is because the surgeon takes great care to ensure that the incisions are made within the natural lines and folds of the eyes. Once the surgical healing has passed, the incisions will not be noticeable even to the naked eye.
Crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles are better treated with procedures such as a facelift, browlift or a cheek lift as the results of the eyelid surgery are confined to the eyelids only. Eyelid surgery can also be combined with a nonsurgical procedure such as BOTOX, which combats wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. An injectable filler can also be effective because it adds volume to hollow areas for a softer, smoother appearance.
Complications and irritations after surgery are rare. Patients must strictly adhere to care instructions prescribed by the surgeon to minimize any risks of infection as the eyes can be sensitive after surgery. Patients must always take precaution of protecting the eyes from the sun and wind during the first few weeks of recovery.
Blepharoplasty not only corrects a cosmetic issue, but a functional one as well. Many patients with excess hanging skin on their upper eyelid are able to regain normal vision after surgery. For many, simply applying makeup without maneuvering around the excess skin is refreshing in and of itself.