While it may feel like your facial expressions are fleeting and only last for quick moment, they can actually make an impact on your appearance. As you express yourself, muscles move and contract, and this can ultimately form unwanted lines on your face. These lines can be frustrating, and it may feel like your only options to make them go away are to limit your expressions or undergo a surgical procedure. However, this is not true! XEOMIN is an injectable treatment option that alters muscle movements to reduce the appearance of pesky frown lines. Learn more during a consultation with our Chicago area team at aFresh® Med Spa & Plastic Surgery in Glenview, IL!


XEOMIN® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment option for reducing and smoothing the appearance of frown lines. Frown lines, or glabellar lines, are lines between the eyebrows that are formed by making natural facial expressions.

This non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment option is a highly purified. Neuromodulators affect how nerve signals interact with muscles. When injected, XEOMIN blocks nerve signals from reaching muscles, preventing the muscle from contracting. If the muscle is unable to contract, pesky lines cannot be formed or worsened.

What Could I Expect from a Procedure?

XEOMIN is an injectable treatment option administered in the comfort of our Chicago area office. Treatment sessions typically require thirty minutes or less, but the length of a session will vary. However, there is no set downtime associated with treatment sessions, and you should be able to return to your normal daily activities!

There is little to no pain associated with a XEOMIN treatment, but an anesthetic may be available for your additional comfort. Experiencing some minor swelling in the treatment area may occur.

While results will vary for each person, many people experience initial results from XEOMIN within a week of treatment. Results typically improve, with the best results enjoyed a month after treatment.

It is important to have realistic expectations for treatment and remember results will not be permanent. Results may last for up to three months, and a regular series of treatments may help you achieve and maintain the best results.

Am I a Good Candidate?

XEOMIN is intended to be used only to reduce the appearance of frown lines. A consultation with our team in the Chicago area can help ensure this is the best treatment option for you. If you have other pesky signs of aging you are concerned about, they can make recommendations for which injectable treatment option may be the best choice for you.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Is it time to explore your treatment options for a more relaxed appearance? Contact us today at aFresh® Med Spa & Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation to learn more about XEOMIN! Our team proudly serves the Chicago area from Glenview, Illinois. Start your journey to refreshing your appearance today!

With many men and women who are interested in getting BOTOX or another type of injection in the Chicago Metro area, such as Deerfield, Glenview, Lake Forest, Northbrook, North Shore, Wilmette, and Winnetka, as well as Arlington Heights, Chicago, and Oakbrook, we can help. Call our offices at 847-906-1527 and schedule your consultation.