Breast Augmentation Chicago, IL

A Chicago Breast Augmentation Specialist


Over 1000 procedures successfully performed

When a woman is looking to boost her breast size, as well as her confidence, breast augmentation Chicago surgery can be the best solution since silicone or saline implants are added into the natural breasts to increase the volume as well as improve the shape. Our surgeons are renowned for great results with more than 20 years of experience. During the consultation, our surgeons take the time to educate the patient on a variety of implant options and techniques, as well as devise a specific treatment plan to help a woman achieve her desired look.

For women who want a fuller breast size, but desire a natural option, an autologous fat transfer procedure can be performed to achieve this. Natural fat graft breast augmentation involves taking fat from one area of the body, such as the tummy, buttock or hips, and safely purifies and then injects it into the breast until the desired size has been achieved. Today’s fat transfer methods are safe and effective and have grown in popularity due to advanced medical breakthroughs in both liposuction and fat grafting.


Keller Funnel Certified

Dr. Karol Gutowski is proudly certified for the use of the Keller Funnel.


The Keller funnel empowers surgeons to deliver implants easily and safely, with a “No-Touch” technique. Dr. Gutowski’s certification signifies he has been trained in use of this device in order to better deliver a more natural looking result.


Saline implants have always remained a positive choice for patients when deciding what type of implant to use for breast augmentation. Because these implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, any potential leakage does not pose a threat as the solution is safely absorbed by the body. Saline implants also cost less than the silicone type. One of the disadvantages of saline implants is that in some cases, rippling can appear. This is especially something to consider for women who are thin and have low breast tissue. Those who opt for this type of implant must be at least 18 years old.


Silicone breast implants are very popular today and are highly recommended by surgeons for patients who are thin and desire a natural look. Since the FDA validated their safety and efficacy, safety concerns surrounding these implants are today almost no different than that of saline. The silicone shell is prefilled with silicone gel and comes in different sizes, shapes and textures. Unlike saline implants in which leakage is absorbed by the body and implant volume appears visibly flat, it is difficult to tell when a silicone implant ruptures. An MRI is required to detect any rupture. Patients considering silicone implants must be at least 22 years old.


For patients who desire fuller breasts but do not want an artificial implant to achieve this look, there is also an option known as a fat transfer. In this procedure, the doctor will harvest fat from donor sites of the patient, such as the flanks, abdomen and thighs via liposuction. The fat collected will undergo a process of refinement and purification, and then gradually reinjected into the breasts with smaller syringes so the shape is evenly distributed.

The advantages of fat transfer for breast augmentation Chicago include:

  • The use of one’s own body tissue that does not require replacement in the future, unlike implants which may break after many years and need to be replaced.
  • It allows the surgeon to place the fat in specific areas and fill out only the upper part of the breast if needed. Breast implants do not allow for selective augmentation.
  • Injected fat is more likely to feel and look more natural than a breast implant.
  • Since man-made material is not used, there is no risk of capsular contracture (an internal scarring problem) than may happen with breast implants.

The disadvantages of fat transfer for breast augmentation include:

  • Fat transfer may not provide enough volume to result in a significant breast enlargement. Most women who have breast implants choose sizes that are greater than 300 cc (about 10 ounces of volume), and more likely to be greater than 350 cc. Fat injections have been resulting in only 250 cc to 300 cc improvements at most.
  • Fat transfer requires surgery on another body part to remove the fat. Thin patients may not have enough fat to result in a significant increase in breast size.
  • Not all of the transferred fat may survive and the breast may become smaller over time. Repeat procedures may be needed.
  • The transferred fat may increase or decrease in size if the patient gains or loses weight.
  • Although there is variability, fat transfer tends to be a longer procedure and may cost more compared to the use of breast implants.


Breast Augmentation



There are several manufacturers approved by the FDA.

  • Natrelle by Allergen – silicone and saline-based implants
  • Mentor – silicone and saline-based implants
  • Sientra – silicone-based implants


Breast implants come in a variety of different profiles. The selection is based on how enhanced the breasts’ projection would be, as well as how wide the implant will be on the chest wall in relation to the base width. Since the silicone implants are already pre-filled, the standard profiles come in low, moderate, high and extra high. Saline implants, however, come in variants that are either prefilled; or, the silicone shell is inserted then filled with saline solution up to the patient’s preferred profile. Choosing the right profile can sometimes be a difficult decision and it is up to a skilled surgeon to help guide the patient accordingly. High profile breast implants will have greater projection, but less width on each side, whereas a moderate profile, for example, will not have as much projection, but will be broader.


The shape of a breast implant can either be round or tear drop. Each shape serves a different aesthetic function as it pertains to the patient’s goals. Dr. Gutowski will discuss the implant shape that is ideal for your body type and aesthetic goals with you during your consultation.


Implants are made with either a smooth or a textured surface. In general, smooth implants cost less and are more common. The textured implants were initially conceived out of the idea that it reduces the chances of capsular contracture (the constriction of scar tissue around the implant).


The two most common placements are on top of the chest muscle or under it. When the implant is placed under the muscle, a pocket is created within the pectoralis major muscle. A pocket is also created if it is placed in front of the muscle, but many surgeons do prefer the submuscular approach (behind the muscle). This helps to keep the implant in place for a longer period of time and takes into consideration factors such as implant size, weight, gravity, and time.


There are several standard incision approaches for breast implants. The most common is known as an inframammary incision, which is an incision near the breast fold. Second, is an incision made under the areola, which is known as a periareolar incision. A third option is to place the incision within the armpit, known as a transaxillary approach.  There is also an incision approach that takes place around the belly button, but this is the least recommended way. It is up to the patient’s desires and surgeon recommendation as to what approach is best to take. Scarring is also discussed at this time with each method.


Procedure Recovery Location Out-Patient

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Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure that may last from an hour to several hours. It is performed using general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility. All activities must be limited within 48 hours after surgery. There will be bruising and swelling, and a compression support bra will also be worn to help in healing. It is normal to feel tightness around the chest area as the skin adjusts to the breast’s new shape. Most patients can resume normal activities within 7 days; exercise should be avoided for 4-6 weeks. It takes approximately 6 months for the breasts to look, feel and function normally in regards to softness, sensation and final placement.


Price for this procedure depends on the specific implants selected and time required to do the procedure. A Breast Augmentation in Chicago typically costs $6500 to $7900. If a breast lift is needed at the same time, it may cost an additional $2000 to $3000. This includes all professional fees, facility fees, and implant costs.

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This depends on the patient’s breast make up. Those who opt for implants may choose between saline or silicone as each has its own advantages. Generally, patients who have low breast tissue will benefit from silicone implants; otherwise, saline implants are recommended. For fat transfer, the advantage is that it poses less risk since there is no introduction of foreign material in the body. However, the results do not last long compared to artificial implants as fat can be reabsorbed by the body.


Negative notions about silicone started back in the early 90s when there were cases of leakage and complications. With today’s advancements in engineering, the silicone-based shells are made durable and safe, and have been proven so by the FDA. Today, in fact, silicone is more preferred than saline since they feel more natural. The rates of reported complications have significantly decreased in the last decade.


Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure designed to enlarge breasts while a breast lift is designed to tighten the loose skin of a droopy breast. Both resolve different breast issues. There are cases that the procedures are simultaneously done when it is agreed that a breast lift with augmentation is necessary.


Today’s silicone implants are strong, durable and safe. Technical advancements have come so far, that even if a silicone implant does rupture, the shell of the implant will keep the silicone gel encased and protected from entering the body. In a rare case that a silicone implant does rupture, an MRI will be needed to detect the rupture. This is the main reason why MRI checks are recommended 3 years after surgery and every 2 years succeeding the first MRI.


Implants may last up to 15 years. As long as the implant shows no signs of damage or visible defects, such as breast rippling or a deformity, replacing them is not necessary. What’s necessary, however, is a periodic check of the implants to make sure that they are still intact.