Body Lift

Have you tried endless methods of diet and exercise to eliminate sagging skin or excess fat that just won’t budge? Are you unhappy with stubborn fat and excess skin that has changed the way that you feel about your body? Many patients experience these common concerns as a result of the natural aging process, a large amount of weight loss, or even following childbirth. Here at aFresh® Med Spa, we offer the specialized body lift procedure in order to eliminate excess fat and skin for a more contoured and firm body shape.

What is a Body Lift?

A body lift is an innovative surgery that is designed to target excess fat and sagging skin. Skin continues to lose elasticity over time, and if excess fat accumulates, it can cause the area to droop and sag. This can make many people feel self-conscious about their appearance. A body lift, also known as a belt lipectomy, is designed to correct this cosmetically-unappealing appearance by lifting and tightening multiple areas of the body in one procedure. Excess fat and skin is removed and tightened, leaving you with a slimmer and more contoured silhouette.

What Does a Body Lift Consist of?

During an initial consultation your specific needs and aesthetic desires are first identified in order to create a personalized treatment plan. During a typical body lift procedure, the excess skin is first gently detached and separated from the underlying connective tissue. The muscles within the targeted area are then tightened using permanent sutures. Any excess fat can then also be removed, and liposuction can be performed if needed. The skin is then relaid and closed using sutures. The navel is also repositioned, typically to a higher elevated position.

The amount of recovery time needed may depend on each patient. It is essential to follow post-surgical care directions in order to achieve the smoothest healing process possible.

What Areas of The Body Are Treated?

A body lift procedure can correct multiple areas of the body including:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Groin area

Who is a Candidate?

For both men and women who are experiencing sagging skin or excess fat due to genetics, weight loss, or the natural aging process could qualify as a candidate for a body lift procedure. Women who have multiple areas of loose skin and fat as a result of childbirth, could also benefit from this innovative procedure. The best way to determine if you are a proper candidate is through a consultation with one of our experienced professionals.

Contact Us

If you are ready to say goodbye to drooping skin and excess fat, and hello to a firm and smooth body shape, reach out to the caring professionals here at aFresh® Med Spa & Plastic Surgery to learn more about your personalized body lift. Contact us today and schedule your consultation!