Neck Lift in Glenview, Illinois

As you get older, your body changes. Wrinkles, fine lines, and loose skin become prevalent issues. Your neck may experience these effects since it is not immune to the process of aging. Your skin may not be as tight as it used to be. You can say goodbye to your turkey neck with a neck lift. At Karol Gutowski, MD, we offer excellent neck lift procedures. You can feel young again with a 1-hour neck lift. We want you to feel confident about your body. Contact us for more information or visit us in Glenview, IL, for your neck lift. 

What Is a Neck Lift?

Over time, your body may not produce as much collagen and elastin as it needs to keep your skin tight. Your jawline may be disappearing as loose skin and sagging jowls develop. Your neck may have become home to stubborn fat deposits that exercise and diets can’t get rid of. That is where a neck lift comes in. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that offers neck tightening to reduce the signs of aging. This short procedure can make you look and feel younger. Read on to find out if turkey neck surgery is ideal for you. 

Are You an Ideal Candidate for Neck Surgery?

You are an ideal candidate for turkey neck surgery if you want to remove loose or sagging skin around your jaw, chin, and neck. You will need to be in good health to undergo the surgical procedure. We can determine whether neck surgery is suitable for you when you visit us for your initial consultation. 

The Initial Consultation

You may be eager to schedule your neck lift, but one more important step is needed. Before you can make arrangements for your surgical procedure, you should visit us for an initial consultation. This is the time to tell us about your desired outcome, previous surgical procedures, current lifestyle, and medical information. We will also assess your medical history and ask about the medication that you may be taking. This will ensure that we know your medical background well so we can decide whether you are healthy enough for neck lift surgery. Do not be deterred by all the questions and information. This is for your benefit. We take all the necessary steps to ensure your comfort and safety.

If you would like to address additional areas on your body, we can combine a neck lift with another surgical procedure. We can discuss this during your consultation so we can establish a unique treatment plan for you. 

Toward the end of your consultation, we will issue you instructions on how to prepare for your neck lift procedure. You may need to stop taking certain medications or supplements. To get the best outcome from your neck lift surgery, follow these instructions as best you can. 

The Neck Lift Procedure

During your initial consultation, we will explain the different ways to approach your neck lift. This will depend on your current situation and desired results. We will provide expert advice on the best way to go. Since a neck lift is an invasive surgical procedure, we will administer general anesthesia. Here are three different ways to achieve your results.


We can tighten the skin on your neck by removing excess fat with liposuction. Liposuction is generally used on your abdomen, thighs, and buttocks to get rid of stubborn fat. However, we can use it to extract fat from your neck. This is ideal if you have a double chin. During the procedure, we will either break up the fat with a tube or extract the fat through an incision. You will need a wound dressing and supportive garment to help you recover. 


If you don’t have that much excess fat on your neck or chin, we can take another route to achieve your goals. We can use a cervicoplasty procedure to remove your loose skin. We will make incisions behind your ears to reduce the appearance of loose skin. With this neck tightening procedure, you won’t have to worry about visible scarring. The incision behind your ear is small and discreet. 


Depending on your desired outcome, we can also remove and reposition the skin on your neck and use permanent sutures to hold it in position. With this procedure, we will make incisions from your neck to your earlobe. This is a great neck tightening technique to give you younger-looking skin. 

Neck Lift Recovery

We understand that surgical procedures have lengthy healing periods, but we are here to make it as comfortable as possible. We will give you a list of instructions to follow so you can enjoy a speedy recovery. 

We recommend you avoid taking certain medications and supplements, especially if we did not prescribe them. However, we will prescribe pain medication to ensure a smooth recovery period. 

You may also want to avoid strenuous physical activity for about two weeks after your procedure. However, we recommend short walks every day to improve blood circulation and speed up your recovery. 

You may need someone to drive you home after your neck lift procedure as you may still be disorientated from the general anesthesia. 

Schedule Your Neck Lift in Glenview, IL

You can combat the signs of aging with a neck tightening procedure. Say goodbye to your double chin, turkey neck, and sagging skin. At Karol Gutowski, MD, we offer 1-hour neck lifts to remove excess skin. Contact us for more information about neck lift surgery, or visit us for a consultation in Glenview, IL.