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How Much Is a Tummy Tuck in Chicago?

Getting into better shape can be difficult to do by yourself. Because everyone has different body compositions and challenges, some of the recommended diet and exercise advice may not be helpful or produce the exact results you want – particularly when you are dealing with excess skin on the stomach. Dr. Gutowski in Glenview, IL knows that a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

How Much Is a Tummy Tuck in Chicago?

The average price for a tummy tuck in Chicago is between $6000 and $13,000. Does that seem like a lot? When you think about everything this procedure can do for you, the price becomes an investment – especially since the results of this plastic surgery procedure can last for several years, or even a lifetime.

An abdominoplasty can accomplish many tasks. In general, this procedure is designed to tighten up loose skin tissues on the body, remove excess tissues, reduce unwanted fat, and firm abdominal muscles. This procedure is a one-way ticket to a toned stomach and can be used by many people, including women recovering from pregnancy and those who have lost a significant amount of weight.

Of course, this procedure can also serve a few other functions. For example, this procedure can help with:

  • Remove stretch marks
  • Strengthens core
  • Relives stress and urinary incontinence
  • Correct posture


Why This Price Range?

The price range for this procedure is a large gap, but there is a good reason for it. Generally, the price of your procedure will depend on a few variables, such as the severity of your condition and how much reconstructive work needs to be done to accomplish your aesthetic goals.

For example, those who do not require liposuction as part of their treatment will likely have a lower price, while those who do require liposuction will pay more to achieve their body goals.

Abdominoplasty Variants

The different abdominoplasty variants are huge factors in how much this procedure will cost. Because this procedure can be customized to your exact needs, three different abdominoplasty variants can be further personalized to help you reach your goals. The three variants include:


A full abdominoplasty is ideal for those who have multiple skin folds or need to reduce moderate amounts of unwanted excess tissue.

This variant uses the largest incision, a horizontal surgical mark below the belly button that can be hidden beneath underwear after recovery. A full abdominoplasty removes the most excess tissue and unwanted fat and also repositions the tummy and firms the abdominal muscles.


A mini-abdominoplasty is sometimes also called a “Brazilian tummy tuck”. This procedure is ideal for those who are already in good shape or near their goal weight and fitness level, but who are having difficulty tightening excess skin and abdominal muscles. This mini procedure uses the smallest incision and may or may not include liposuction to remove excess fat.


An extended abdominoplasty is the most dramatic variant and is reserved for those who have a significant amount of unwanted tissue to remove. This particular variant is typically reserved for those who have achieved significant weight loss, as well as those who need to tighten skin tissue around the hips and flanks in addition to the stomach.

An extended abdominoplasty uses the largest incision and usually also includes liposuction, as well as repositioning the belly button, and tightening abdominal muscles.

Which Abdominoplasty Is Right for You?

The abdominoplasty variant that is right for you will depend directly on your physical condition and your treatment goals. For example, if you only want to treat mild to moderate excess skin, then mini-abdominoplasty is a good choice.

Women who have been pregnant and would like to tone the stomach usually select a full abdominoplasty. We will recommend the abdominoplasty variant that is ideal for your treatment needs.

How Does This Treatment Work?

This treatment involves several different steps, including incisions to access the abdominal tissues, removing unwanted fat via liposuction, trimming excess skin, repositioning the belly button to an aesthetically pleasing location, and tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. Because this is an invasive procedure, your treatment will require the use of general anesthesia and an extended recovery period.

Will You Need Liposuction?

Not all people require liposuction with an abdominoplasty. Depending on your fitness level and aesthetic goals, liposuction may not be necessary for your treatment.

Most people do include liposuction with this procedure, however; those who do not require liposuction are usually those who are already fit and healthy or who only have mild midsection body fat. We will determine whether or not liposuction is a necessary component of your treatment during your consultation.

Why Is the “No Drain” Procedure Better?

The earliest abdominoplasty procedures involved drains used during the recovery period to limit fluid in the abdomen while patients healed. However, advancements in abdominoplasty techniques have given rise to the “no drain” procedure, which uses special sutures on the incision that significantly reduces patient recovery time and discomfort.

Dr. Gutowski is an expert on the “no drain” procedure so patients can heal more quickly and enjoy natural-looking results sooner.

What Should You Expect Before Abdominoplasty?

One of the biggest components of your procedure will be discussing your aesthetic goals with your surgeon during your consultation. The consultation is a vital portion of this treatment because it establishes the way you want to look and the techniques that will be required to help you achieve those goals. Part of your consultation will include a detailed discussion about your lifestyle habits, your general health, and an assessment of whether you are healthy enough for this procedure.

For at least three to five days before your procedure, you should temporarily discontinue the use of alcohol and tobacco products. Patients should stop taking blood-thinning medications and supplements unless otherwise directed by a physician. Patients need to arrange for transportation after the procedure is complete and may need to schedule time off work or other activities.

What Should You Expect After Abdominoplasty?

Your immediate recovery time will be the first 48 hours after your surgery; during this time, patients should rest as much as possible to facilitate recovery. After these 48 hours, patients are encouraged to engage in mild to moderate activity, such as walking around the house, showering, and other light activities that will keep blood circulation good.

After your procedure, you will need to wear compression garments to help the body heal more quickly. Compression garments are used to ensure that the remaining fat and skin will heal in the preferred aesthetic shape so your results will appear smooth and natural-looking. You will need to wear compression garments most of the day, except showering, for a few weeks. You will also likely need to attend follow-up appointments to assess your healing.

How Soon Will You See Results?

Most people can see the first results of their procedure during the middle stages of their recovery period, usually within about two to four weeks depending on the rate of healing. The final results of your treatment will be visible about four to six months after the procedure depending on the amount of work done.

It will take several months for your body to fully heal and for your tissues to settle into a new placement so it’s important to be patient about your results. You may be able to see the results of this treatment sooner if you engage in mild to moderate exercise during the later stages of your recovery period.

Are Your Results Permanent?

Yes, the results of this treatment are intended to be permanent. Results will last for several years for a few reasons. For example, if liposuction is used in your treatment, then your results will be permanent because fat cells that are removed are destroyed forever and will not grow back. In general, your results will be permanent if you take care of your body and your health.

How Should You Maintain These Results?

A large part of maintaining the results of this procedure for women is waiting until all of your family planning is done before having this procedure; additional pregnancies will undo the results of this treatment. Otherwise, maintaining your results will depend on your lifestyle choices. Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly, particularly your core muscles, will ensure that your desired results last for as long as possible.

How Much Weight Can You Lose?

Although this treatment will remove excess tissues and unwanted fat, it will not help you lose a significant amount of weight. In fact, it’s generally recommended that patients are within at least 10 to 15 pounds of their goal weight before the procedure so the results will be as desired. Even if liposuction is used for your procedure, most patients will not lose more than a few pounds from this surgery.

More significant than any potential weight loss is the fact that this procedure will help you lose one to three pant or dress sizes depending on the amount of reconstruction work done. Additionally, many patients find it easier to lose weight after this procedure since it will be easier and more comfortable to exercise. Many patients even feel more motivated to exercise after this treatment because they are happier with their overall appearance. Any weight loss associated with this procedure usually happens after the surgery and recovery time.

Can You Combine This Treatment?

Yes. In addition to liposuction, it’s actually very common to combine abdominoplasty with other plastic surgery procedures. For example, new mothers may want to use the Mommy Makeover, which also augments the breasts. Butt lifts, arm lifts, thigh lifts, and other body contouring surgery or treatments are commonly combined with this treatment. If you are interested in combining this procedure with others, please let us know during your consultation.

Who Are Ideal Candidates?

Candidates who are ideal for this treatment are those who want to reduce excess tissue and fat on the stomach. The best candidates are those who are in the range of their target weight, those who have already lost significant weight, those who want to tighten the abdominal wall, and women who have been pregnant. Candidates need to be healthy to be eligible for this procedure and must not have any allergies to general anesthesia.

Feel Confident Again With Tummy Tuck in Chicago

Sometimes, feeling confident is all about loving the way your body looks. If you’ve struggled to meet your aesthetic goals, then a tummy tuck may be a procedure ideal for your needs. Please contact Dr. Gutowski in Glenview, IL to schedule your consultation appointment today.

Dr. Karol A. Gutowski

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